100 Years of Partition – Campaign rolls out in Belfast

Lasair Dhearg activists have been out this past week erecting posters across the city as part of their ‘100 Years of Partition’ campaign designed to counter the six-county state’s media campaign celebrating the ‘NI Centenary’.

Republicans and Socialists have a duty to challenge every glorification of colonialism and partition – we must not take the centenary year celebrations of partition lying down.

100 Years of Partition - Campaign rolls out in Belfast

As the British state, its puppets, and the Unionist media will attempt to normalise and celebrate the bloodstained and murderous origins and history of this rotten little statelet with tales of sports heroes, literary idols, and industrial innovation – we must organise to counter what this really is: the whitewashing of 100 years of partition, orange supremacy, discrimination, colonialism and occupation.

Lasair Dhearg will be publishing a weekly series of short documentaries and articles highlighting the most repressive historical and modern elements of the Six County state. To understand the origins of the six-county state, is to help understand why this statelet must fall if we are to ever achieve a free and just Irish society, socialist in nature: controlled by all the workers of Ireland regardless of race, religion, gender and sexual identity.

As the British state continues to escalate its propaganda campaign, so too will Lasair Dhearg. We hope like-minded socialists and Republicans will join us in countering the British states attempts to glorify the partition of our country.

100 Years of Partition - Campaign rolls out in Belfast