100 Years of Partition – State opening of ‘Parliament’ marked in Belfast

Bus stops across Belfast City Centre yesterday [22nd June 2021] highlighted 100 Years of Partition alongside a banner drop at Belfast City Hall, as events marking the state opening of the ‘Northern Ireland Parliament’ by British King George 5th exactly 100 Years ago were taking place inside.

Pól Torbóid
Pól Torbóid

Speaking outside Belfast City Hall, Lasair Dhearg spokesperson Pól Torbóid said, “Today, the 22nd of June 2021 is a significant date. In that it marks 100 years since the state opening of the ‘Northern Ireland Parliament’. English King George walked these very streets amid much pomp and ceremony, and announced a new assembly within his so-called ‘kingdom’.”

“As rebel forces fought for the freedom of All of Ireland, the British state, supported by a counter revolution, had formally secured its own interests.”

“The state propagandists will attempt to white-wash that history, and speak of partition as though it is something to celebrate. However, those familiar with the poverty, homelessness, bigotry and discrimination of the Six County state will tell you that supremacy is nothing to celebrate, neither is the denial of rights, nor injustice or inequality.”

“100 Years of Partition has meant 100 Years of state sponsored unionist death squads. It has meant innocent victims and thousands tortured in interrogation centres. It has meant 100 Years of internment, Inequality for women, the denial of healthcare rights, and the denial of language rights.”

100 Years of Partition - State opening of 'Parliament' marked in Belfast

“We cannot speak of Ireland as a post-colonial nation, because it is still very much under the thrall of British colonialism today. Britain still maintains a military occupation in six of Ireland’s thirty two counties, alongside a political administration subservient to its demands.”

“Our indigenous language remains second place to the colonisers, and the structures of Britain’s cruellest export to Ireland, capitalism, remain alive and very much intact.”

“The centenary of partition isn’t something to be remembered fondly, it marks 100 years of oppression. So today we mark it in a fitting manner, highlighting the inherent injustice at its foundation. An injustice that can only be fully resolved under a thirty-two County Socialist Republic.”

“Join us – Ar aghaidh linn le chéile – Bígí linn.”

100 Years of Partition - State opening of 'Parliament' marked in Belfast