It is deeply concerning to see Michelle O’Neill and Sinn Féin commit to attending the coronation of English King ‘Charles III’. This represents a betrayal of the principles of Irish Republicanism, which rejects the legitimacy of the British monarchy and calls for the establishment of an independent, sovereign Irish Republic.

The coronation of a British monarch is a symbol of imperial power, which has been used to oppress and exploit Ireland and other colonised nations for centuries. By participating in this event, Michelle O’Neill and Sinn Féin are sending a clear message that they are willing to collaborate with the very system that has caused so much suffering and injustice to the Irish people.

The fact that Charles Windsor will be crowned as the head of the Church of England is particularly troubling from an anti-imperialist perspective. This institution has a long history of complicity in the subjugation of Ireland and other colonised nations, and has played a key role in justifying British imperialism around the world.

Charles will also be the Commander-in-Chief of the British Armed Forces upon his ascension to the throne. This is significant from an anti-imperialist perspective, as the British military has played a central role in the oppression and colonisation of Ireland.

Throughout history, the British army has been used to suppress Irish uprisings and maintain British control over the island. From the brutal suppression of the 1916 Easter Rising to the continuing occupation of the Six Counties, the British military has been a key instrument of imperial power in Ireland.

Furthermore, the notorious Parachute Regiment, of which Charles Windsor remains ‘Colonel-in-Chief’, are themselves responsible for numerous human rights abuses and atrocities in Ireland, including the Ballymurphy Massacre in Belfast in 1971 and the Bloody Sunday Massacre in Derry in 1972. These actions have been condemned by anti-imperialist activists and organisations worldwide, who recognise the role of the British military in perpetuating colonialism and oppression.

By attending the coronation of ‘King Charles III’, who will be the head of this very same military, Michelle O’Neill and Sinn Féin are effectively legitimising Britain’s role in Ireland and ignoring its history of violence and repression.

This decision is a clear departure from the principles of Irish Republicanism and anti-imperialism. It is a betrayal of the struggle for national liberation and social justice, and should be condemned by all those who believe in the right of Ireland to self-determination, independence, and the principles of anti-imperialism, which call for the rejection of all forms of colonial power and oppression.