As children die in the English channel, humanity dies with them.

In recent days deaths in the English channel have made headlines as human beings flee poverty and war, and seek a better life elsewhere. Among the dead were families, including young children and babies.

‘Tragedy at sea’ is how the British press have collectively labelled the British government policy of offering no assistance to the families perishing in the English channel.

Just generations ago, as tens of thousands of soldiers fled a fascist blitzkrieg during the second world war, the same state rallied thousands of boats to collect troops from the same beaches from which families are now climbing into barely floating rubber dinghies, having paid their life savings for the benefit.

That same state now proactively ignores the plight of those that cry out in the direction of the English town of Dover for help, as they sink lifeless, children in arms, to the sea floor.

Lasair Dhearg spokesperson Pádraic MacCoitir commented:

“Over the past number of years we have seen many tragic cases of people crossing dangerous waters such as the Mediterranean Sea and English channel. Too many women, men and children have perished and what we get from European governments and their ministers are crocodile tears.”

“The majority of people crossing are escaping from war zones and seeking a safer place for themselves and their families. Those war zones are in countries such as Libya, Syria, Afghanistan which are bombarded almost every day by the same countries that deny entry for those wanting out. Millions of people have been forced to flee and unfortunately there’s no hope in sight.”

“As we see scenes of people in dinghies we hear the usual racist comments from some who say they shouldn’t try to go to other countries for safety.”

Pádraic continued, “Irish people know all about being forced to leave these shores at times such as An Gorta Mór. Did they want to leave villages and towns where they were born and raised? Of course not. The same is true for those risking their lives as they leave the countries they love.”