Derry: Open to everyone, says Lasair Dhearg

Lasair Dhearg Derry has said that Derry is a city that should be open to everyone, regardless of nationality, race or creed following a report that has stated an increase in racist crimes being reported.

A spokesperson for Lasair Dhearg Derry said that “those from different ethnic backgrounds that reside in Derry bring tremendous value, whether they are working in our hospitals, in hospitality or other essential services, they are our brothers and sisters. It is our class that should be the only thing that divides us from our enemies and not the color of our skin.

It is concerning that there is a rise in this type of activity but racism is not reflective of the ethos of working class republican communities in Derry, and racism will and should be challenged at every opportunity in the city and stamped out.”

Like Angela Davis said: it is not enough to be non-racist, we must be actively anti-racist.

Like Hampton, we must continue to fight racism with solidarity, and fight capitalism (which finds utility in racism) with socialism.

And like Huey we must organise this resistance within our communities from the grassroots, upwards.

“If you’re to Ireland true,

We heed not race, nor creed, nor clann,

We’ve got hearts and hand for you” – Thomas Davis, Young Ireland Movement (1848)