Hillary Clinton: Belfast says no to war criminals!

Lasair Dhearg are calling upon all anti-Imperialist, socialist, anti-racist, and Republican activists across Belfast to ensure the inauguration of U.S imperialist warmonger Hillary Clinton as QUB Chancellor does not go unopposed!

Queen’s University Belfast are complicit in the whitewashing of Hillary Clinton and her war crimes for appointing her as Chancellor – a decision their student body democratically rejected. She is not a figure to be honoured, but deposed. A Zionist and US warmonger, Hillary was complicit in the bombing of Libya, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq and at least 6 other countries. A proud Zionist, she is a gleeful puppet of the Zionist lobby (AIPAC) in AmeriKKKa, and proponent in the oppression of the Palestinian people.

She has the blood of thousands upon her hands thanks to her pro-war policies and actions. It is for this reason we must protest her inauguration, and raise our voices for all our international brothers and sisters in Afghanistan, Syria, Palestine and more, who have suffered at her hands. Let’s use our voices for them to say: NO TO WHITEWASHING WAR CRIMINALS!

Join us Friday 24th September, @10.30am outside the Whitla Hall, Queen’s University Belfast.