PSNI face off with children in Divis, Belfast.

Today, scores of heavily clad and armed PSNI personnel faced off against young teenagers and pre-teens over wood in Divis, Belfast.

Since August 1969 the hated RUC has attacked communities in Republican areas of Belfast, Derry, Newry and other towns and villages in the Six Counties. Their political masters in Stormont were supported by the British government but despite that the people rose up.

They have shot people with lead and plastic bullets, colluded with unionist murder gangs and still the people rose up.

As the years went by they continued their attacks on Republicans but the constitutional national parties stayed silent. The RUC conveniently changed their name but they were fooling nobody. The people still rose up.

The constitutional nationalists grew and with that growth they supported the police force even though that very force continued to attack the people.

Today we saw hundreds of peelers descend on an area of Belfast that was under attack in 1969. Of course it’s a completely different situation but that police force is sending clear signals to people that they will swamp our communities and show they are supported by constitutional nationalists, some of whom live in that very area.