PSNI told to apologise in another PR fiasco

In the midst of their ongoing PR blitz in Republican communities, the PSNI have used a family’s strife for a PR opportunity.

Pól Torbóid

Pól Torbóid, a spokesperson for Lasair Dhearg, said, “We understand that a domestic incident has taken place in the Iveagh area of West Belfast in recent days, where up to eight members of the PSNI attended a family home.”

“Subsequently, a post appeared on ‘Police West Belfast’ social media, with a photograph of an armed officer attending the address in question. This photo was accompanied with a lie, telling readers that the PSNI was on ‘beat patrol’ in the area.”

“Since that post, three separate members of the local community have contacted Lasair Dhearg to raise serious concerns about the use of a domestic incident in a deliberate falsehood in order push the PSNI’s political agenda. Those residents state that a number of cars were in the street, with up to eight officers nearby. They hung about nervously, posted a leaflet at two houses on either side of the street, and used this family’s call for help for a photo op.”

“It is quite clear that the PSNI have been on the public relations offensive since they exposed themselves at a recent Sean Graham bookies commemoration on the Ormeau Road.”

“As they patrol our areas in their armoured jeeps and cars, painted to look more ‘normal’, we sometimes get to peek behind the curtain that is the peelers PR offensive and, on this occasion, they’ve been caught red-handed using a families anguish for likes on social media. They should withdraw the post immediately and issue a public apology.”

“These gunmen are viewed with contempt and distrust on our streets. They need to get off the backs of this community.”


PSNI told to apologise in another PR fiasco - Lasair Dhearg
PSNI told to apologise in another PR fiasco – Lasair Dhearg