Support the arts. Support artists.

In recent days we have witnessed the British Tory government attack the arts sector in the occupied Six Counties. True to their free-market fanaticism the Tories are obsessed with keeping the economy running, yet they are hindering the lives of many artists, photographers, musicians, dancers etc, by telling them to “retrain and find other jobs”.

This is despite the arts sector contributing a total of £111.7 billion to their economy.

The entire industry has been left behind and discarded by a government who refuses to acknowledge it’s importance, both socially and economically.

The British Chancellor Rishi Sunak has illustrated his severe lack of understanding about the arts industry and what it entails when he insulted those involved in the sector by implying that those who work with their passion are “unskilled”. Artists whose labour provided the escapism and entertainment needed to endure and survive lockdown, have simply been thrown under the bus by their government, as well as the other 1.5 million people who have lost their jobs due to the economic impact of capitalism during this pandemic.

In the North of Ireland the Creative Industries and Arts sector employ around 40,000 people, representing 5% of total employment in the occupied Six Counties, and generates £714 million in revenue.

Between 2.5 and 3 million people have been able to access the Westminster regime’s Job Retention Scheme, paying up to 80% of wages, however artists don’t have access to this lifeline considering they are self employed.

The Tory government have given a £257 million survival fund to share amongst music venues and theatres, yet this is not merely enough to keep the arts sector up and running in comparison to what the industry has given in terms of revenue.

It is evident that the Tories do not care for the arts, and the legislation and funding being put forward is not fit for purpose. Its deafeningly clear that Sunak has ignored the cries from the arts community and its professionals.

The British government are incompetent, incoherent, and don’t serve our interests – they are now destroying the very arts that make life worth living for many. They have threatened to decimate one of the biggest industries in their empire and the lives of everyone who works within it.

Support the arts. Support artists.