[VIDEO] “F*ck Tribeca. We want homes, not capitalism!”

We visited the offices of Sinn Féin and the DUP last night to say, “F*ck Tribeca, we want homes, not capitalism!”

In light of the £500 million ‘Tribeca’ business investment forced through by Sinn Féin and the DUP, we’ve been highlighting the housing and poverty figures in the Six Counties; which remain after decades of Stormont government.

Activists also visited the derelict buildings of Belfast’s Cathedral Quarter, which faces being demolished and replaced with offices and retail space. Like we need any more?

Sinn Féin and the DUP in government have shown their complete disregard for working class communities, in favour of their pals in the business and retail sector. Tribeca will bring prosperity for the tycoons and the 1% but not the rest of us.

Build homes, not business empires!

We say, “F*ck Tribeca. We want homes, not capitalism!”