Over 2 decades since the signing of the Good Friday Agreement and the introduction of ‘peace’.

But can we really say that we live in a non-violent society? Increased suicide, evictions, drug issues, poverty; aren’t these all forms of violence? Forms of violence which affect mostly working class communities.

We’ve swapped one form of violence for another. So remember, when they say ‘peace’, they mean peace for them, and not us.

In those two decades, the demand for a 32 County Socialist Republic has largely faded from the headlines.

Having been subsumed into the political system north and south, Sinn Féins ‘language’ has moved from this central demand for national and economic freedom, to any other ‘language’ which allows them to secure power north and south. This strategy, as is all but clear since the last election in the south, has failed.

Brexit has done more for the demand for ‘unity’ than any other political action in the last two decades. The bitter irony being that the Sinn Féin approach had failed, only to be potentially gifted the possibility of a United Ireland by the broad mass of the British people.

Now, more than ever, the Irish people must stand up and place that core demand front and centre. Nothing less than national and economic sovereignty can secure the future generations of people on this island.

A 32 County Socialist Republic?

Stormont Can’t Deliver!

How do we fix it? Through national and economic liberation.

Britain Out Of Ireland!